Diwali Festival: When is Diwali 2010? - Diwali 2013 India: Diwali Festival, Diwali Celebrations India, Deepavali History

Diwali 2010 is going to be a much bigger blast than last year, and nobody can deny that. While last year many were restrained due to ripples of the worldwide economy downturn, this year things are firmly turning around. Diwali is all about the worship of wealth, and worshipping its creators and protectors, be it Goddess Lakshmi or the Dhanwantaris, Shri Govardhana, or Maata Kali. So, it was only natural that the economy downturn would lead to dampened spirits during Diwali in the last few years. But, this year, spirits are high, crackers are out, and the rangolis are going to be bigger and better than ever. We can't wait for Diwali 2010 to start knocking on the door.

When is Diwali 2010?
Diwali 2010 has fallen on Friday, 5th November, 2010.

So, back to the original question, what are your plans for Diwali 2010? Have you got in touch with any travel agent for Diwali tours or Diwali tour packages? Diwali 2010 would be great, but getting air or train tickets are going to be a pain if you do not start planning right now, and even then god only knows, whether seats will be available or not. One thing I can assure you about Diwali 2010, tourist spots are going to be jam-packed and fun-filled and you will find people really making merry with greater abandon and revelry.

By: Surajitsen Sharma

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